Thought provoking as ever, Ed. An opportunity to reflect on my own experience. As you're aware 99.9% of my fifty years of officiating and thirty years of managing and directing competition for major athletics events has been as a volunteer, with very occasional short-term contracts. Like you, I have wonderful memories, a comprehensive travelogue, and good friends across the world. When I reflect, I do wonder whether I could have tolerated a full-time career in event management. My experience has offered me the best of two worlds, giving me every "T" shirt and the opportunity to watch every video the sport has to offer, whilst enjoying a lengthy and successful career in education. All that said, I would have no hesitation in recommending a career in sports management to any aspiring youngster. The rewards outweigh all those eighteen/twenty hour days and sleepless nights! Whist still working on major events, I also spend a lot of my time nowadays as a "fixer", behind the scenes ... and I love it!
An intriguing read as ever Ed - and I love the school boy photo. So angelic!!
Thanks Sam! Once an angel…
Thought provoking as ever, Ed. An opportunity to reflect on my own experience. As you're aware 99.9% of my fifty years of officiating and thirty years of managing and directing competition for major athletics events has been as a volunteer, with very occasional short-term contracts. Like you, I have wonderful memories, a comprehensive travelogue, and good friends across the world. When I reflect, I do wonder whether I could have tolerated a full-time career in event management. My experience has offered me the best of two worlds, giving me every "T" shirt and the opportunity to watch every video the sport has to offer, whilst enjoying a lengthy and successful career in education. All that said, I would have no hesitation in recommending a career in sports management to any aspiring youngster. The rewards outweigh all those eighteen/twenty hour days and sleepless nights! Whist still working on major events, I also spend a lot of my time nowadays as a "fixer", behind the scenes ... and I love it!
Delighted you’ve still got the love god it Malcolm! Thanks for sharing your own experience