Ehem. ECB doesn't run village green cricket either :) Local clubs are independent small businesses who run their own affairs although most choose to affiliate via County boards. Most leagues are club run collaborations. ECB only has leverage over Premier leagues where it doles out small amounts of cash to a few big clubs. In 2022, ECB attempted to impose its "General Conduct Regulations"; it claimed to be ironing out local variations and inconsistencies but in reality it was part of its post-Rafiq knee jerk . Leagues below Premier were initially invited to adopt voluntarily as unenforceable anywhere not on the payroll. A year later, a cut down recreational game version was introduced and, for the most part, that's the last anyone's heard of them.

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Thanks for picking up my throwaway line John! A classic governing body challenge of control vs suasion (often with small amounts of investment attached…)

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Control?! Is there any NGB which has legal authority to control or govern clubs at recreational level other than through the purse strings? Is anyone bothered except for politicians and Sport England (and even the latter's Tier 1 governance guidelines nonsense are only advisory). Surely national facilitating/enabling/promoting bodies are more appropriate?

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