No regular Sport inc. this week. However, a few have asked how widely read it is - possibly to see whether you are mad enough or sad enough to be the sole reader - so here are the stats. And with them a (very polite) call to action.
There have been 22 weekly editions of Sport inc. since launch ahead of the Tokyo Olympics in July.
The initial email list comprised 259 addresses. This has grown steadily over the past five months and has now more than doubled to 528.
The first edition was viewed a total of 366 times. In recent weeks, views of each Sport inc. have exceeded 1,300.
Views for a single edition peaked at 1,971 (for my open application for the ECB chair role, if you’re wondering).
Sport inc. appears every Thursday in City A.M. and on the newspaper’s website
And now for the ask… I’d love to expand the list of people who receive Sport inc. directly into their email inbox each week, rather than finding it each time via LinkedIn, Twitter or being forwarded it by someone else.
So, if you know of friends, colleagues, casual acquaintances or random strangers with an interest in the business of sport, please forward them this email and recommend that they click on the ‘Subscribe now’ button below and enter their email address.
Or, anyone can send an email to and I will add their address to the distribution list. (Remember, it’s free to subscribe to Sport inc. and I’ve no intention of making money from this newsletter.)
Thanks very much in anticipation! Normal service resumes next week.